fla-gypsy wrote:
Acquiring the F-350 7.3L from a family member assuming it has had regular maintenance would be a no brainer. The difference in capability and performance will astound you.
I agree the 7.3 will have no problem towing the 5k trailer. It will be a night and day difference vs. your current truck in towing performance.
But in daily use and in every other category it will be a 7 year older truck!
In the end the whole deal maybe a wash. If your current truck is in poor shape or you need to make a change go for it.
But I would not call the overall change an upgrade. If you could make the 7.3 a dedicated tow vehicle the purchase maybe worthwhile.
But if you lose your current 2007 DD and must drive a 2000 DD that's a step backwards regardless of the towing performance.
Do you tow that much? Does your current truck really struggle?
A 7.3 is a great motor I have owned 2 of them, but a 2000 is now 13 years old. It won't last forever and will show its age as a DD.