I would suggest you and others look up HOW weights are enforced on highways etc. Manufacture labeling us not enforced. OR if the road you are driving on has federal funds to it, your state enforced a lower standard, funds can be held from said state. Granted some exceptions do apply, frozen thawing ground, a lower axle limit can be applied.
Getting an over wieght ticket is a non moving violation. It does not go against driving record.
WHERE an Leo/cveo will get you if over a manufactures rating, they will do a field test braking your rig. You don't stop in X ft, at y mph. Ie about 10-29 mph, you have a failed braking system. THAT is a moving violation. Ticket goes against driving record. Vehicle is red tagged. It cannot beover off road on its own power. Or it needs to be fixed where it sits. This hurts ones pocket book from a legal standpoint
IF you want to to talk getting sued after an accident etc in civil court. That's another can of worms. Even if I'm under ALL of my legal wts etc, depending upon injuries etc, I can still lose my shirt, house etc.