A weld break on a steel rv wheel is not caused by increasing the pressure .
The weld break is caused by other side loading or top loading pressures of the weight of the trailer but is not caused by too much psi .
Add side scrubbing issues and top loading issues then pump the 50 psi max rated wheel to 80 psi and the result can be cracks and splits.
Lots of members with 14"/15' tires come with a ST 205/75-14" or 15" C load range on their trailers. Many report their wheels are stamped 50 psi max.
Google tiresandwheels.com or Dexstarwheels or any of the other many website tire and wheel discount stores/etc or a wheel manufacturer.
Dexstar shows a 50/65 psi for their 14" wheels.
Going up to 15" shows 50/65/75/80 psi ratings.
And 16" 80/90 and 110 psi.
Like the experts above tell us do not over pressure a wheel .....or a tire.