exhaustipated wrote:
TxGearhead, where about in Texas do you live? Before you go off spinning your wheels on a two thousand mile journey looking for either a new or used truck camper, why don't you give Princess Craft RV a call. They are the largest truck camper dealership in Texas with all kinds of different makes and models new and used to choose from. They're located at 3101 North IH35 in Round Rock, TX and the telephone number is 800-338-7123. Go online at www.princesscraft.com to see what they have in stock that you would be interested in. If you go over there ask to see PJ and she'll be happy to show you around her place of business. She has a wonderful dealership with an outstanding service department.
Just out of Houston.
I have looked at PrinessCraft's website off and on for awhile. I did call them this morning and had a good chat. Discussed pros and cons of what I think I want. Of course they brought up buying a new one from them a few times. They sound like good folks. Might take a drive to Round Rock just to get a feel of the place and look around.
I'm thinking I will have better luck finding a Lance around here just for the fact there are so few TC's in Texas. A Lance 850 fits what I think I want, if not a Northern Lite.
Trying to avoid a trip to Seattle to look at a camper.