Forum Discussion

swimmer_spe's avatar
Oct 29, 2016

Used trainer inspection "grocery list"

I purchased a 1998 Rockwood Ultralight T2305.

I brought it to my Rockwood dealer and had them do a full inspection. Although the list is long, the price I paid was a great bargain.

Here is the list:
Bathroom GFCI not working
Monitor panel not working
TV antenna does not crank
Power Converter not charging
1 burner and the oven not working on stove
Hot Water Tank not working(Burner does not light, pressure relief valve not working)
Water fill dismounted
Awning is damaged
Need smoke detector
roof needs to be resealed
Stabilizer jack broken
All tires need to be replaced.

Seems like a big long bad list, however, some of these are quite simple to fix, and will be done shortly.(GFCI, smoke detector)

So, between now and next season, here is my short list of things I know I am doing:
Bathroom GFCI not working
Need smoke detector
roof needs to be resealed
Stabilizer jack broken
All tires need to be replaced.

That means that the following is left:

Monitor panel not working
TV antenna does not crank
Power Converter not charging
1 burner and the oven not working on stove
Hot Water Tank not working(Burner does not light, pressure relief valve not working)
Water fill dismounted
Awning is damaged

Of those, what should I do? What should be the priority?
  • GordonThree wrote:
    Was this almost 20 year old trailer free? What's special about it, that made it a great deal?

    If it were free, and needed that laundry list of fixes, ok maybe a great deal if it's a brand loyalty thing?

    Free, no, but dirt cheap, yes.

    I am handy, so as long as it was structurally fine and nothing needed to be done now (even the tires will last till spring) I was fine with it.

    I drove 4 hours away to get it. The trailer place told me how much it was worth siting here, even with all the issues. I paid half that. I will likely be sinking about $2000-#3000 into the trailer and then it will be worth 4x what I paid for it.
  • Was this almost 20 year old trailer free? What's special about it, that made it a great deal?

    If it were free, and needed that laundry list of fixes, ok maybe a great deal if it's a brand loyalty thing?
  • Captain_Happy wrote:
    I would have walked away after the first few items.

    Depends what the price was, how handy the OP is, and what value he puts on his time.
    I'd seal the roof first then work down the list.
  • hard to have a decent holiday without water, so I would start with the water fill.

    the batteries won't last long without a way to recharge them.