A few reply’s.
We have a built in generator and I didn’t believe it would work without 12 V power. I may have to take another look at that as it might be wired directly to the battery for starting. We never used the generator as with 385 Watts of solar and 24 hours of sunlight the batteries were never challenged.
I have a volt meter and some basic electrical equipment. The problem I had was the batteries indicated good but everything inside was dead. When I got to “civilization,” Dawson City I called Northwood for advice. They told me to check a small junction “box” and told me where to look but nothing was there. It turns out they had the right idea but the wrong location.
We had 12 V power in the Arctic Ocean at Tuk, We lost it as we headed down. The Tuk campground has a two little sheds with 15 amp plugs so the people camping right next to them can get a little power.
To go there you take the Dempster highway from near Dawson City Yukon to Inuvik NT. It is 458 miles of gravel road. Then you take the new all season gravel road to Tuktoyaktuk on the Arctic. That is another 86 miles. Then you do the whole thing again to get back.
I guess the main point of the post is that even though power was out and nothing worked from water to the full wall slide it was still useable.