I have the 5 Star Tuner with the 89 octane tunes (3 tunes economy, towing and performance) they have tunes for 87, 89 and 93 octane. I got mine specifically for the towing tune which adds power, but more importantly changes the shift points so the shifts are at a higher RPM and allows the V-10 to make better use of it`s power. as partsjockey said the Ford transmission shift strategy sucks!, but I like his description better! :B I can now also hold O/D longer which also gives me a bit better mileage (about .5mpg) and the power when merging is exceptional. couldn`t believe it the first time I was getting on an on ramp, I had to back off much sooner on the gas because it accelerated that much faster. 5 Star only adds about 20HP and 20lbft of torgue with there towing tune so no need to worry about longevity.
Well worth the $$$