Jan 09, 2018Nomad III
VIDEO TR: I'm going to the RTR Rubber Tramp Rendezvous
VIDEO >>> I'm going to the RTR
Rubber Tramp Rendezvous <<< VIDEO
Meet up with some old friends
Make some new friends
Put some faces to the person
Attend some seminars like SOLAR
Should be an interesting time
Come along for the ride
I'm leaving from a jobsite
It's been 3 weeks since I've been with
My Sweetie or My Kitty
Just one more week
Thank you for watching
Hope you enjoyed this video
and found something
interesting and useful
~~~~~ BEGIN ~~~~~
VIDEO >>> I'm going to the RTR
Rubber Tramp Rendezvous <<< VIDEO
Meet up with some old friends
Make some new friends
Put some faces to the person
Attend some seminars like SOLAR
Should be an interesting time
Come along for the ride
I'm leaving from a jobsite
It's been 3 weeks since I've been with
My Sweetie or My Kitty
Just one more week
Thank you for watching
Hope you enjoyed this video
and found something
interesting and useful
~~~~~ BEGIN ~~~~~