Jan 25, 2018Nomad III
VIDEO TR: Leaving RTR, Going to Las Vegas
The Rubber Tramp Rendezvous - RTR
Is over and I head North To Las Vegas
VIDEO >>> Leaving RTR, Heading to Las Vegas <<< VIDEO
Leaving Quartzsite, I head North
And make a few stops along the way
To look at some interesting sights
Hope you enjoy the riding along
It's painless and it
helps this channel thrive
~~~~~ BEGIN ~~~~~
Thank you for watching
Hope you enjoyed this video
and found something
interesting and useful

The Rubber Tramp Rendezvous - RTR
Is over and I head North To Las Vegas
VIDEO >>> Leaving RTR, Heading to Las Vegas <<< VIDEO
Leaving Quartzsite, I head North
And make a few stops along the way
To look at some interesting sights
Hope you enjoy the riding along
It's painless and it
helps this channel thrive
~~~~~ BEGIN ~~~~~
Thank you for watching
Hope you enjoyed this video
and found something
interesting and useful