Going to store my camper in the back lot at work. anyone have a generic basic waiver of liability I can provide them essentially saying im the only one responsible for it?
Find an experienced attorney in Ontario. Down is correct...at least for California...some things are not "waivable" and anything of value given by an employer is taxable.
Google liability waiver...lots of free templates floating around.
Unless there is Gross Negligence, they should hold up just fine. Plus you are trying to satisfy the owner that he won't be sued so if you provide one, he can comment on it if he likes but otherwise, it likely satisfies his concern.
Don't know Canada law, but in the States, some States do not allow for a pre-waive of liability. If your employer is really uptight about the liability issue, it may be wise to pay an attorney to draw up something. This would not be more than $200 to $300 in the states.