Ford Customer Service is 1-800-392-3673. That's on the inside cover of the 2011 truck warranty book.
Bumper to bumper warranty was 3 years/36,000 miles. This is getting close enough to the end that it might be necessary to document the warranty start date, which should have been done by the dealer when the truck was first sold to a retail customer.
I have a Honda dealer (service writer) dragging his feet on warranty service for a failure that might be considered a safety issue, e.g. windshield washer bottle with a clogged outlet. He won't go forward with repair until he has confirmation from a zone manager that it will or will not be covered by warranty.
Your friend needs to understand where the resistance is from: service writer, service manager, general manager, zone manager. These things often get stopped by someone not willing to stick a neck out and say yes, or someone higher not wanting to do the work for what the warranty will pay.