dodge guy wrote:
Ron3rd wrote:
shadows4 wrote:
DutchmenSport wrote:
Take a hammer, smash the mirrors, then claim it on your insurance as vandalism! Problem solved!
Ever heard of Fraud? I hope this was meant as tongue in cheek.
Wouldn't it be a shame if the OP "accidentally" drove into a pole and broke the offending mirror off?
It would be even worse if that happened and the insurance company denied the claim because there was a known failure in the mirrors design and they tell you to take it to the dealer!
Yes, tongue-in-cheek ... should have added the ;) :B
But sometimes doesn't it just make you want to that anyway!
Last house I lived in tried to sell, I though of burning it down many time. Never did, but the thought sure was pleasant and put a smile on my face.
The most exhilarating, satisfying, therapeutic event I think I ever had was the day I attempted to tear down our old above ground swimming pool. The liner was destroyed from weather, it was all aluminum and all pop-rivited together. There was cold, nasty, ugly water standing in the bottom that I could not get to drain. I couldn't get it apart, frustrating. I took my shot gun and blew it full of holes. I shot about 40 rounds into it! Well, it still didn't drain the water, but it sure felt good! (My brother-in-law brought over his super dupper electric metal cutting saws and stripped the thing right down.He recycled the aluminum. God over $400 out of it). That made me feel good too!
So sometimes, just the 'thought' of the hammer ... puts a smile on your face!