Bama bluejay wrote:
We were told our first model White Hawk 2012 axles were too small 2 3/8 inch I believe. Due to that many were failing. Unusually wear on tires. I had read about the problem, reason we contacted dealer. Company that makes the axles made the call to replace with a bigger 3 inch axles. Now dealer is waiting on some part to adjust the alignment. Who knows can't get a clear picture of what they are doing to our TT. A trip to dealership will be our next move.
Bama: WhiteHawk owners on the Jayco Forum that have experienced the problem either got replacement done by their Jayco dealer and in a couple cases owners contacted Dexter directly. In all cases, none of the replacements took as long as yours has (Dexter even direct shipped axles to one guy for self installation provided he cut the old axles in half). Also, in every instance where replacement was done under Dexter's warranty, complete axle assemblies were shipped (brake assemblies, springs, the works). I have followed your post and am really wondering what is the 'part' they need for alignment, when the replacement axles should be coming from Dexter, ready to bolt to the frame....:h