When we left our TT, was told it would be a week before they had a space in the stall to move ours in and start the inspection. A few weeks later got the one and only call to let us know that Dexter was sending new 3 inch axles and would replace. Weeks and weeks passed and nothing on our progress until we started contacting them. Shop forman said something wasn't lineing up correctly. They were to contact Dexter on how to correct the problem. Was told weeks later that they were sending a part to correct the problem. To this day its like pulling teeth to get anything except we're still waiting on dexter to send part. What got us in a tissy yesterday was that Shop foreman and Dealer would not return our call. Just how long does it take to be courteous enought to give us a call and say, we're still working on it. Were promised last week that it would be ready this past week. Christmas a week away and folks take off, sometimes a week. We have a deposit on campsite in Fl. for the months of Jan-Feb. 2014. We have been very patient with these folks. We will make a trip this week and bring it home if it's not in a dozen pieces. I will post again when we find out what really is going on.