Forum Discussion

The_Clubhouse's avatar
Mar 05, 2021

Water Line help

Rig: 98 Western Wilderness 9.6. New to me this is the maiden voyage. Had a toy hauler before but never winterized so unfamiliar with these pipes.

Issue: Water runs straight through to back drain pipe on left they are white. Can not figure out how to attach phone photo.

Occurred: When connecting city water to inlet water ran straight through. Connection is city bib -> regulator -> filter -> potable water hose to inlet. Could hear water gurgling when faucet opened. Tried putting water into storage tank and it held until water pump turned on then water ran out same drain. Does it need a cap of some kind?

Any ideas?
  • Final Followup. Thank you to all who posted. The responses gave me a direction and I installed 2 1/2” valves. The plot thickens at this point but I’m going to open a new thread.
  • The Clubhouse wrote:

    Yes, other than color that location looks the same. My ends are different, naturally. With the drain port idea I have started googling that and I’m thinking I may go to the ball valve web suggestion.

    Can you confirm that assuming it is an uncapped drain port that without the cap the water will just run through as my symptoms show?

    Mine have been coated, originaly one was white, the other red..
    Yes if I remove or loosen plugs water in line will drain out, any pressure, pump or city, and it will just flow out drain.
  • if your in a cg now? go asl some body ,good way to make a new friend. p.s use valves. follow those pipes up ,see where they go.
  • We have owned several different campers. All had a shut-off valve in line before the end caps. Even our vintage AirStream.
    In any case, stop at Home Depot and get a cap. Pretty standard.
  • AnEv942 wrote:
    Agree sounds like low point drain

    Our low point drains/hot cold lines, terminate with female fittings, use simple 1/2" pvc pipe thread plugs. We do not have valves.
    If there were any place near you, threaded cap or threaded coupling with plug should be easy to find.
    Possibly if in park, store or maintenance facility or even other campers may have something. I had one disappear once so carry spares. Wouldnt hurt to ask Don't overtighten.

    Yes, other than color that location looks the same. My ends are different, naturally. With the drain port idea I have started googling that and I’m thinking I may go to the ball valve web suggestion.

    Can you confirm that assuming it is an uncapped drain port that without the cap the water will just run through as my symptoms show?
  • Agree sounds like low point drain

    Our low point drains/hot cold lines, terminate with female fittings, use simple 1/2" pvc pipe thread plugs. We do not have valves.
    If there were any place near you, threaded cap or threaded coupling with plug should be easy to find.
    Possibly if in park, store or maintenance facility or even other campers may have something. I had one disappear once so carry spares. Wouldnt hurt to ask Don't overtighten.
  • beemerphile1 wrote:
    Sounds to me like the low point drain, it should be closed by either a cap or valve. The valve may be inside.

    I have as best I could traced the water line and have no valves right before the outlet. There appear to be threads on the pipe so I am leaning towards a missing cap. I’m already at the campsite so I’ll have to follow up on this thought when I get back.
  • billtex wrote:
    Kind of cryptic but try the water heater bypass. Sounds like its open.

    I tried the valves before and after water heater in both directions and water still runs through with city hookup.
  • Sounds to me like the low point drain, it should be closed by either a cap or valve. The valve may be inside.
  • Kind of cryptic but try the water heater bypass. Sounds like its open.