Consult your tow vehicle owner's manual for towing with weight distribution. Every model year 2000+ vehicle full sized vehicle I have owned or considered owning has it documented on how much front axle weight to restore.
Generalities: Travel trailer tongue weight will go up, by 150-250 pounds over published dry weight. RVers add stuff, more so in front of TT axles because that's where the bulk of storage is. For most full sized pickups and SUVs with front axle weight fully restored with a WDH, about 80% of trailer TW will be carried on the truck's rear axle and 20% on the trailer axles. For 50% front axle weight restored, 100% of TW is carried by the TV rear axles, 10% on the trailer axles (-10% on truck front axle).
Use of a WDH does not change trailer tongue weight as measured at the ball.
You may be interested in more info in the
, and specifically the how a WDH works thread and
how to adjusted a WDH thread.