I wasn't going to respond but when you brought up the definition of Advertisement. I have to post what Merriam Webster definition of Advertisement is
Per Merriam Webster
noun \?ad-v?r-?t?z-m?nt; ?d-?v?r-t?z-m?nt, -t?-sm?nt\
: something (such as a short film or a written notice) that is shown or presented to the public to help sell a product or to make an announcement
: a person or thing that shows how good or effective something is
: the act or process of advertising"
If you notice it states or a written notice to help sell a product. Truck manufacturers produce Brochures at the cost of millions to sell their product. So you can continue to argue what constitutes an advertisement but there it is in print what it is and this is not my definition to agree on or not.
Also where in my post did I state anything about advertised. all I stated is they raise the GVWR. I find this by doing a little research not by listening to their over inflated TV ads of trucks pulling a ship or a train engine and such.
To the OP: Sorry for getting this off of your original intent of showing how researching your vehicle can have good results. Good Job.