SoundGuy wrote:
......owner's manual that weight distribution IS required beyond 600 lbs gross tongue weight.
What is your point? It also says that NONE is required for less than that. The OP asked if WD hitches were required for lightweight trailers. Many lightweight trailers have tongue weights under 500 pounds. Look in the manual for 2500HD and you will discover that GM does NOT require weight distributing hitches for any lightweight trailer, including yours. Like I said, I purchase tow vehicles that do not REQUIRE weight distributing hitches. Obviously you took another route.
From this year's GM manual:
"1500 Weight-Carrying 318 kg (700 lb)
1500 Weight-Distributing 567 kg (1,250 lb)
Standard Box
Weight-Carrying or
680 kg (1,500 lb)
3500 Long Box
Weight-Carrying or
907 kg (2,000 lb)