Forum Discussion

MrWToronto's avatar
Sep 28, 2013

weight Distribution systems

Hello everyone,

I would like some advice. I have a 2005 Expedition, and I will be towing a 2005 Surveyor weighing about 5500 lbs. The dealer I have bought from is recommending an Equaliser hitch with an 'out the door' price of just under $1200 (NB. I'm in Canada...). This seems a lot to me, and I wonder if anyone could comment on the price, the alternatives to, and the quality of, Equaliser.

  • Maybe it's just me being lucky but my Equal-i-zer hitch has been fairly quiet. The one time it made a lot of noise I had neglected to put some lubricant on the hitch head where the bars attach (as per the instructions.) On all the trips where I did it right it's actually pretty quiet. That one time it was loud - it was very loud though LOL. Anyway. I'd agree that $1200 (at least in US$) is too much by quite a bit even installed.
  • Equalizer is noisy due to metal-on-metal friction, but it works well for me so far. Canadian dollar is on par for all intents and purposes so the $1200 is highway robbery. The good thing about the Equalizer is the quick set up and tear down. There are probably better and quieter ones out there without resorting to the "exotics" which I have a hard time justifying their price. I have had great service from my el cheapo round bar system on my old hybrid, although I do not miss the friction bar. That system was very quiet too.
  • MrWToronto wrote:
    Thanks all, luckily (?)rv ing time in Canada has ground to a halt, so I can consider my options over the short days and long nights!

    Ha ! ....well that's putting a positive spin on it !

    Another brand and style to consider is the BlueOx swaypro.
  • Thanks all, luckily (?)rv ing time in Canada has ground to a halt, so I can consider my options over the short days and long nights!
  • That price seems way out of line to me.
    The Equal-i-zer is an excellent hitch but I would suggest considering the Reese Strait-Line WD Hitch, around $500.00 US at e-trailer or several other dealers. Other than the mega $$ Daddy Warbucks Hensley or Pro Pride Hitch this is one of, if not, the best hitches available. That is just my opinion and everyone has an opinion and everyone thinks his is best.
  • Be aware that there is a big difference between what many dealers call an equalizer hitch and the real, genuine, (note spelling)Equal-i-zer hitch. Many people call any WD hitch an equalizer hitch. Check with the dealer to make sure of what he is talking about. I would almost bet he is talking about the generic WD hitch and not a real Equal-i-zer.

    In any case, that sure seems like a steep price to me. Here in the states you can purchase an Equal-i-zer for about $450 and a generic WD hitch for around $250. The link given a few posts above by Westend to PPL is a good one.
  • The Reese SC (sway control) hitch set-up is similar in principal to the equalizer, but instead of squeeky metal on metal, the Reese weight distribution bars rest on a brake pad L bracket, which they claim not only better controls sway (more friction) but is also quieter. We're happy with ours, and this would give you another price comparison for similar results.
  • I'm in Ontario and bought my Equal-i-zer through our local Go Glass dealer. They sell truck accessories etc.

    I think price was around $600.

    RV dealers didn't come close to matching.

    I installed it myself - fairly straight ofrward. I did get the ball nut tightened to correct torque at heavy truck repair shop.
  • I suggest you get the specific Equalizer model that the dealer is installing. Then, do an internet search for what price you can buy it in Canada. Then you can see how much he's getting for installation and/or mark-up on average retail price.

    I will tell you that the 4 point Equalizer hitch that I bought with the new Winnebago has been very good so far, but I haven't towed in any strong crosswinds yet. And, my trailer weighs in at 6180 lbs. before clothes and food are loaded.