I used a boot made of foam for 11 years... no scratches, it caused no problems.
I made the passage one time in each direction with a little effort... never even considered doing it again. It is much faster to just open the door and walk to the cab of the truck or vicea versea
I think some people see it as a route to the truck if the boogie man is outside the camper.
If I should ever feel that uncomfortable I wouldn't want to be laying prone... crawling through that passage... that would be a vulernable position
I think a better plan is to just stand up the the escape hatch in the roof and look way down on your visiters... with a double barrel shotgun in hand but out of sight doesn't hurt either.
In any case... It was called a boot by my Lance Dealer. they get to name it.... they sell more TC's than anyone... and of course Wayne got it right too.