Forum Discussion

RamblinAnne's avatar
Feb 19, 2018

What have you done with your tailgate?

I've been fulltiming in my Bigfoot for almost a year now and I'm still undecided on what to do with my tailgate for my Ford. It's currently sitting in my moms garage in New York. I'm out West with no plans to drive back East anytime soon. And even if I did, I still wouldn't be able to take the tailgate with me as long as the camper is on. I'm unsure what to do with it. I know I should probably keep it for resale value but I wonder if it'll even be worth it because I imagine shipping a huge and heavy tailgate would cost more than just buying a new one wherever I am. And I could probably get more money from selling the tailgate while it's still relatively new.

I'm wondering who has sold theirs and if they regret it, and what the fulltimers without a sticks and bricks home/a storage unit do with theirs?
  • Anne, TxGearhead and work2much have the best advice...keep it with Mom until you are in a position to get it, or find someone coming your way that will bring it. If you check, you may find that your future replacement cost will be significantly more than you will be selling it now.

    We realize that right now you are on the grand touring adventure, but you never know when life's plans will change. And if you end up needing to sell the rig, you will want the option to break it up into 2 pieces...selling the camper and truck separately (no tailgate will limit your market). For the complete rig, your major market will probably be to part-timers and not many folks will want the truck without a tailgate, so will use that as leverage to negotiate the price down.
  • TxGearhead wrote:
    If your Mom's not complaining about it, I think I would leave it there. Ya never know.

    This seems like the obvious choice. We are close to selling or renting our home and going full time. I think we will end up doing a storage locker for at least a couple years. We will end up at some point buying another sticks and bricks.
  • I’ve wrapped mine and stored it in the garage in the past. Mine is on the truck now in WA, and TC in Montana. I wouldn’t have a TC if I never used the tailgate, but that’s just me. I’d probably go flatbed or Class B/C.
  • I agree with Jaycocreek. Keep it. Your truck if you ever get a new one needs it's tailgate on it.

    You could sell it on Craigs List but I think in the end, you'll be sorry you did.

    Mine sits in my garage most of the time, in the corner.
  • Mines in the garage and I have had a couple people want to buy it..No way..When and if you ever go to sell your pickup,most if not all will want it with a tailgate.
  • If your Mom's not complaining about it, I think I would leave it there. Ya never know.
  • I put it in hallway closet and keep getting beating from DW for taking valuable space there.
    I am thinking about hanging it up on the wall in garage as I don't plan to put it on the truck ever.
    The other option is that I have winch/rack for convertible hardtop in my garage and when I sell convertible, I might keep the rack for tailgate.
    I sold Dodge tailgate few year ago, but it brought me like $150. Shipping with UPS was not too expensive, but they charge me extra for not having it fully wrapped.
    The new tailgate has camera, light and electric lock build in, so hard to tell what would be market for it, but since I plan to keep the truck for 20 years, I rather keep it as chances are I will get rid of TC in that time.
    For shipping big item research Greyhound option.