Terryallan wrote:
We use our old pots, and pans. Well in fact. We didn't have to buy anything extra for the inside of the TT. We already had it.
We did the same thing when we got our Pop-Up. By the time we got our 3rd travel trailer our priorities have changed completely.
Our travel trailer is our vacation resort. Andd really, apart from television and few minor hobby crafts around the house, it's our basic entertainment too. It's our dream castle, our home-away-from-home, even when parked in the driveway. It's our "love shack", our private domain, our "other world", our break from the harsh realities of job, family, and world chaos.
So, somewhere along the line, the priorities changed, and we started replacing all the "old" stuff with brand new, and the "old" found it's way in the house! Really! We have good blankets, good sheets, good towels, good dishes, good pots and pans, nice cups, wine glasses, electric coffee pot, everything ... first rate as "first rate" can get within our budget.
Once the item begins to wear, or we need something in the house, we snatch it from the camper, and then replace "new" in the camper. Yea, we keep the camper VERY SPECIAL... only the best as we can afford. And that makes the camper and using the camper even more special!
Maybe that's why we live in it, even in the drive way, all Summer long when not on the road! This is our domain, and no one invades it! It's special! And "special" gets only the "best!"
Something to think about?