Forum Discussion

impala662d's avatar
Jul 02, 2013

What year is this

I got this camper a few years ago to live in while we cleared a piece of property to set up a mobile home, it wasn't in great shape then but it was cheap and sturdy and old.I am a truck driver and my wife is disabled, we haven't had the time or the money to give it the attention it deserves. My wife wants it fixed she has gone over it but the numbers are dead ends. The tail lights say 64 on them and are round. There is no title we were told it was a sale from a camp ground in southern Ohio an elderly couple had owned it and they died no one came to claim it. We bought it from another elderly couple who were living in it while their house was being remodeled. It still looks great on the inside except where the ceiling has started to leak around the air conditioner and the vents, The water heater and plumbing work great but there is no furnace. I would like to put it back together and get a title. ( The wading pool, we have 11 grandkids that get into everything when they're here it is for one of our rescue dogs to cool off in LOL )
  • You got the pick to work, below. Cool old TT. It needs some major love. Don't know what year it is though. Are there any tags or stickers on it? Look around the frame, in the cabinets, by the doors, around access panels, etc...