Forum Discussion

docklobster's avatar
Aug 14, 2013

What's your favorite family layout?

General question for families out there. Wanted to hear some preferences to figure out what I am missing.

We are a family of 4 with 2 girls 5,8. We went through a trailer and 5th both toyhaulers and are looking around for what should be next. No more toys to worry about so moving to a standard trailer will be nice. Want something solid so we won't have any worries and plan to keep this trailer for awhile. We were thinking of going back to a goose neck around 25' to have the flexibility to fit into most sites. It looks like there are a few bunk options out there but many are over 25'.

Would love to hear some stories on what space worked well.
  • Two separate friends have the current style of front bedroom, LR/ Kitchen and dinette (prefer U to booth) and large kids room to the rear. One has double slides in kids area, table, TV
    Wall and tons of storage. The room is huge!

    The layout is popular because it works. Kitchen is to left of entry door making it easy to pass food and dishes in and out.

    My only beef is with every current slide model we see with bunks having the dinette and sofa side by side bus station style. I know why but I still can't rave about it. Could live with it if someone wanted to give me one though :D

    (Puma and Salem, respectively in the mid 30's size).
  • When we had an HTT, the three bed model was great. Our new TT has a bunkhouse with two larger bunks, a small folding upper bunk, and a 2 person dinette that folds down for a fourth bed.
  • Whn we had 2 kids we used a TC and a tent then we went to a PUP. Now that the kids (and grand kids) have grown we Have a TT.
    Our TT is almost 35 ft and never found a place that couldn't accomodate us.
  • phenrichs wrote:
    Our TT is 38ft tip to tail. I have yet to find a campground that doesn't accomodate us.

    Come visit us here in the northeast. I've already come across a couple that didn't accommodate my size TT. :)
  • We have the TT in sig, it has 3 bunks for our family of 5, 3 kids ages 3,5,7. Our TT is 38ft tip to tail. I have yet to find a campground that doesn't accomodate us. If I would have had my 1ton truck then I would have gotten the same layout in a 5er because then a few feet of the camper would have been over the truck and made the whole thing shorter and easier to maneuver. But we love it and it is sturdy. We have no concerns about being able to keep it for a long time. With you having only 2 children you will have a few more options in the shorter ranges that have 2 bunks in the rear.