Determine if you will spend more time "camping" or "traveling."
A lot of time on the road, a Class A, B or C is the most comfortable driving, possibly the most convenient. If you spend most of your time in camp, a towable is usually more appropriate.
Determine the kind of "camping" you will do, minimalist or with all the gadgets.
If you have been a tent camper, a "popup" might suffice, depending on your travel season. If you need AC, TV, a laptop and electric appliances a motorhome or trailer is in order.
Determine your comfort level driving/towing an oversize rig/combo.
Class B and smaller Class Cs are the most car like to drive. Class As are OK, but require a higher skill level, the bigger they are, the harder they are. The same applys to trailers.
Hopefully this might help narrow your choices.
When my parents were shi9pping for their first rig a kindly salesman to them "it takes at least two to get it right." He was right.