wilber1 wrote:
transamz9 wrote:
wilber1 wrote:
Yup. Peak torque at 1600 RPM so 1700 RPM would not be lugging, you just make less HP than at 1900 RPM. Don't know about the 48RE but my 47RE did not have tow haul and would not run in 4th with the torque converter unlocked.
On the first 48's 04.5-05 the torque convertor will only lock in OD (4th) when the tow/haul is off. With tow /haul on it will lock in 3rd and 4th. It will also lock in 2nd if you put the gear selector in "2". Tow haul was the only option on the 48's in 04.5-05. In 06 they started offering tow/haul and also OD lock out.
That's odd. No wonder they only did it for a year.
Yeah,it's kind of stupid if you ask me. What just as stupid is in 06 when they started offering both options they put it on the same switch, the button on the end of the shifter. Push it once for tow/haul. Push it a second time to lock out OD. Pusher it a third time to go back to normal. There are times on the back roads that I wish I could easily lock out OD when running 35 - 50. I can lock it out on my tuner but is not as easy as pushing one button but you get the point.