Colorado71 wrote:
It's 3% for every 1Kft. So ~ 30% loss of power over the Colorado passes.
30% is a huge amount of power to lose, right when you need it most.
Yep, makes a big difference. A 10K foot pass takes a 330hp Hemi and makes it a 243hp Hemi, 11K drops it to 236.. ouch!!
Since the 3% loss is referenced from the previous 1K feet here is a chart for anyone who doesn't want to do the math.

wilber1 wrote:
The 04 Hemi should be a 5 spd auto. The diesels used a 4 spd.
Bottom line. Make sure it is in the gear you want it to be. If D and tow/haul doing it for you, that's great. If not, do it yourself.
Yes it has a 5 speed, which is the problem with only have D, 2, 1 on the column. What about 3? No way to select it on a 545RFE.
The 545RFE also uses a gear called 2nd Prime, which is a taller ratio than 2nd. 2nd Prime is used when downshifting to get the gear to hold longer when passing. It's unclear when it will grab this over 2nd thou. My brother has an 06 with a 545RFE and feels it only grabs 2P when going from 4 down to 2, skipping 3.. as in romp to pass.
Peak torque occurs at 4400 and peak hp at 5400, so lets say that peak pulling power is going to be 4000-5500, if yo want to listen to it.
Looking at the gear ratio's if you are pulling a grade at 55-65 and you drop into 2nd gear your rpms will be anywhere from 3500-4500 probably pretty good. You make more power higher but to pull 5000 rpms in 2nd is around 70mph, might not need that much speed.
When the trans downshifts to 2nd I would move the shifter into 2nd and keep it there until the top. If the 545RFE is like other Dodge auto's this will allow tq converter lockup in 2nd and a cooler transmission.
I would personally wait for that to happen before manually putting it in 2nd. By going to 2nd you might skip 3rd, and on some hills 3rd may be enough rpms. Thou common sense does apply, 50 mph at 6K feet on a 7% grade will take 2nd.
I do recommend leaving Tow Haul on just about all the time, it does lockout the 2nd OD ratio thou.. so if you find yourself on a long gradual downhill turning TH off may let you use 5th. Once the long gradual downhill is done I would switch TH back on.