Forum Discussion

smsmith's avatar
May 21, 2017

Which sewer tote tank do you use?

Ok, I have never had to use a tote tank in the past. Now with grandkids, kids and everyone using the TT we are thinking of getting a sewer tote tank. Which one? Any suggestions. I will need easy of movement from the TT to the dump station. Any help will be appreciated.
  • We have a blue one but prefer not to use it.

    As for size - the larger they are, the heavier they are and therefore harder to move. Having said that, when using it for the black tank you need one as large as your tank or be very cautious on how full you get your black tank before emptying it.

    If you have a 65 gal black tank and only a 50 gal rolling tank which I think is as large as they make them, then don't allow your black tank to get over 50 gal in it. The liquids like to run out first so if you drain 45 - 50 gal into the portable tank then you're sometimes left with more of the solids in the black tank which makes it harder to drain the next time. It can also sometimes be hard to shut the drain valve off when the blue tank is full but the black tank is still draining. Then you have a mess.

    Don't allow the black tank to get fuller than what the rolling tank will handle.

  • I've had both brands...I prefer Barker. I've had too large and too small. I've settled that 22g is right for me. I can manhandle if necessary and it takes enough to make a dent and allow showers on that last day or two.

    Some recommend getting one to match your gray tank size. I didn't care for that. It took up way too much room and I couldn't budge it.
  • It takes 21 days for my wife and I to fill our black tank so when it is getting close to full we go to the dump station. Now the gray tank we can fill in a week so every 4 days I fill up my 5 gallon buckets, put the lids on, and then it is easy to place then in the truck and transport them to the dump station.
  • Pick the one that is on sale this week. The difference between the two major brands are not enough to worry about.