Forum Discussion

Superduty123's avatar
Oct 21, 2013

Who has driven SRW VS DRW In Snow


I have approval from the wife to buy my last truck before retirement as I have noted to some of you in recent posts

I am leaning to the current 2013/2014 Ram in the following configurations

3500 4x4 CC/SB

3500 4x4 Megacab DRW S/B

Both with the Cummins. A local dealer has a loaded 2013 Mega with the Asian Trans and 3.42 axle that I may be able to get a good deal on.

I will put a small self contained cabover on it when I am fishing on my own or tow a 30-33ft 5th when the wife is with me

We are planning on buying a small cabin in the lake tahoe area to spend 8 months out of the year and while I will try to avoid as much as possible being in the white stuff I wanted to know from any of you who have actually owned and driven both SRW and DRW in the snow what it would be like

My guess is if I am caught up there in the winter the truck would be unloaded except for a shell

Any input would help

  • The dual rear wheels will give more stability for both the camper and the 5er. Good thing!
    In snow the dual rear wheels will spread the weight out more in the rear reducing traction. Bad thing!
    I would go with dual rear wheels for your dual application.
  • I have had no problem in the snow. My van was SRW originally and I converted it, so it truly is apples to apples. Keep in mind that being a van, most of the weight is over the rears, so that helps a lot. In some conditions, the extra tires help. Especially in really deep snow where extra tread width keeps it from sinking so far. Only time I don't like it is on frozen slush, where the rear tires constantly "fight" over who gets to be in the rut. I have thrown on the chains a few time, but only because I was towing and ODOT had checkpoints or it was during their heavy patrol times (i.e. saturday mornings). I just use regular quick-fit HD chains, which work just fine on a dually.

    I'm in the snow almost every weekend all winter long, and usually tow through snow a few thousand miles/year.
  • Since you'll have 4WD, I don't think it will be much of a differance. I don't have a DRW so can't talk from experience, but there are so many of them up here in Alaska that are used as daily drivers, it can't be much differance. And I have a friend that bought a new DRW last fall and then during the winter made four trips to Minnisota to move. He went down the highway fully loaded with trailers and back up empty each time. He didn't have any problems at all except when the freezing slush built up on his trailer wiring causing the trailer lights to go out one night in a storm.
