The CWR likely assumes you have a 150 pound person in each seat position in the truck. If this is an ext. cab model that adds up to a lot of weight. If you don't plan to carry that many people you can haul more camper.
Either way, making a 1500 truck properly haul a truck camper is problematic. They just aren't built with much payload. In fact, most truck campers will overload a lot of 2500 trucks when you figure in food, water, propane, batteries, passengers, gear, etc.
My advice would be to load the truck with the normal passenger load you would have for camping, remove the tailgate and fill the gas tank. Now go weigh the truck at a scale and note the rear axle weight. Subtract this weight from the RAWR. The result is how much weight you can haul. This will likely be over your truck's GVWR. This is fairly normal for people hauling TC but generates lots of negative comments form others who don't agree with the practice.
(Just see what follows.)