Our Avion rebuild string is a true phenomena. No one expected it to have the agility and diversity it has displayed - not to mention the interest level that has sustained it for the past few years. We have learned a great deal about keeping the thread accessible. For instance, there has not been one instance of angry dialogue. Not one out of over 2500 posts. Moreover, the posts are all about a highly selective subject: the rebuilding of a classic American truck camper. People come to the thread because of curiosity - but they stay because of the high level of expertise. I think it is probably the single best spot anywhere to think about these coaches and their restoration.
I caught up with Exhaustipated at the Texas Truck Camper rally, and as I recall we both were surprised how few of our fellow ralliers read RV.Net. There were a number of us including Jumbojet who post on this forum...but we were rare.
I honestly think that most TC owners are relatively knowledgable about their rigs and somewhat set in their ways. They are not overly curious about what other people are saying on the net. But, in person, they are as intense as white on rice. Thousands of questions, lots of opinions, hard earned wisdom. But, they seem to prefer face to face contact...and a concrete issue to discuss.
Having said that, I note how thoughtful and complex so many of the people I have met are personally. Including funny. When I say funny, I mean unbelieveably funny. I remember that I was laughing so hard at one of the tales told by a fellow tc'er - how he had mistakenly wandered into a campfire surrounded by tt folks and their reaction when they learned he had a TC - that people thought I was having a heart attack. Of course, it was my first experience with some sort of thing called "shots" that tasted like apple pie. But, that man was FUNNY..
So, maybe its a combination of preference for personal contact plus the difficulty of being humorous - just look at how Whazoo can charm a crowd online as few can - that render the net a bit pallid.
But real info? Like with the Avion builds? That has a highly dedicated crowd.
BTW, thanks Exhaustipated for being the OP.