kylekai wrote:
BillL1356 wrote:
I have a Northstar Arrow U. Both dealer and Northstar told me to store on jacks. I keep the front slightly high and as low to ground as jacks allow. Store on or off jacks is camper specific. Contact mfr for a recommendation.
Isn't it also camper jack specific? While it may be OK with the camper mfg, maybe it's not OK with the jack mfg?
Anyone know what is the simplest and cheapest way to support the camper off the truck if the jack mfg says not to store the camper on the jacks? Build a wooden crate?
I carry a few 2X4s and aluminum screw jacks. I support the belly at both ends and one in the middle. I do it mostly to stabilize the TC. Everything stores in the wheel wells.