Forum Discussion

Rscconrad's avatar
Aug 08, 2021

Why SRW off road?

This may seem like an obvious question but it’s not to me. Why are srw preferred to drw when getting off the beaten path?

Just curious, it is obviously correct from what I have read but I can’t figure out exactly why.

Thanks in advance
  • Why are srw preferred to drw when getting off the beaten path?

    Greater versatility.
    For example, a forest service road worn to a cut in the road is wide enough for a dually. . .until a tight turn.

    The dually rear wheels will ride up the road cut embankment and tilt the truck camper. . .sometimes to an extreme.
    That event will rack the truck frame and stress the camper frame.

    Off road, the dual tires can and will get boulders wedged up between them.
    Those are the drawbacks that I've encountered.