I had a home a/c mounted in my driver window for an old camper, probably an 8000 btu unit, back in the day. The air vents did not point anywhere near our bed, and the fan was not very strong. With all the bumps and jars in any vehicle, I don't think that a home unit would be a good choice, and may break quite a bit quicker than an rv unit. I kinda thing that the RV a/c is built like a tank, because they need to be. The motors and compressor are loud, because they need to be more powerful to run as long as they do, with the hot and cold sides built heavier, and larger because they are moving air to a much larger area than even a car system would be asked to do. If the modern rv units don't seem to cool as much as the older units do, it is because they cycle less to make it seem like they are more energy efficient. There is a cycling control on the inside of the coleman units that you can adjust the cycling to be higher. There is a youtube video showing how.