Forum Discussion

yankeeslover's avatar
Jun 01, 2015

Windows open in the rain?????

Quick question. My camper is about 1.5 hrs north of me right now.. its left on my seasonal site in upstate NY... i closed up camper yesterday for the week and will not be back up there till this friday.. It has been pouring since yesterday.. I am now wondering and thinking that i might have left one or both of my front bedroom windows open.. I cant remember if i closed them or not yesterday.. My question is, are these windows meant to drain and be open during rain storms? I am assuming that the worse that can happen is that i might get some rain that drips on the inside wallpaper? and am I chancing any major water damage in one weeks time if the two windows are indeed open?(camper is aluminum frame)..... no one that i know is in the campground during the week who can check for me, but i hate to waste a 4 hour round trip after a long days work just to find out its indeed closed... what would you do????
  • I guess it comes down to the direction of the rain or if there is any wind.
  • We leave our windows open when we are in the TT without any rain problems. I would however get someone to check if possible.
  • Naio's avatar
    Explorer II
    yankeeslover wrote:
    I do know last week when i camped it rained like heck out and all my windows were open and no rain got it. so i assume the inside should stay dry just incase i did open...arghhhhhhhh.

    Yeah, I would be stressing too, but it sounds like you are ok.

    Do you know if they are having wind there, as well as rain? Rain that falls straight down won't go in, but windblown rain could. Still probably not that much.

    As for water damage, I would say, in the sense people usually use the term -- rotting wood and stuff -- no. Wet bedding, maybe. Moldy bedding, if it is warm and damp. But if it is warm and dry after the rain the stuff might just dry out.

    I really don't think the stuff you might lose is worth the drive. The very worst case scenario, you might have to replace a mattress and bedding. But that would require a very windy pouring rain, and seems awfully unlikely. More likely, you will just need to wash your blankets with colorsafe bleach to get rid of a mild mildew odor. Or just put them in the dryer :).
  • GaryWT wrote:
    What type of windows do you have? Slide windows, then I would worry. The ones that crank out from the bottom, probably not a big issue.

    They are the ones that slide up and down.. i have been calling campground since this morning and no answer... working 12 hour days and its been raining like hell past two days. no way up to pretty sure i closed them, but not 100%... I do know last week when i camped it rained like heck out and all my windows were open and no rain got it. so i assume the inside should stay dry just incase i did open...arghhhhhhhh.
  • What type of windows do you have? Slide windows, then I would worry. The ones that crank out from the bottom, probably not a big issue.
  • I'd take my meds and chance that I closed everything. If I got there the next weekend and everything is still closed, it might alleviate my worrying overall.
  • If nothing else get anyone around to duct tape some cardboard over the windows
  • By all means call the CG host/mgr asap.

    Almost all RV windows can be closed from the outside. They won't be locked but you sure can have someone close them for you.

    And you should have a second set of keys placed on the RV for any type of emergency. There is a perfect place to put a second set on an RV. Don't want to post it here where that spot is for obvious reasons. :W
  • I'd drive up and remember to assemble a check list of stuff to do before I leave next time.
  • yankeeslover wrote:
    Quick question. My camper is about 1.5 hrs north of me right now.. its left on my seasonal site in upstate NY... i closed up camper yesterday for the week and will not be back up there till this friday.. It has been pouring since yesterday.. I am now wondering and thinking that i might have left one or both of my front bedroom windows open.. I cant remember if i closed them or not yesterday.. My question is, are these windows meant to drain and be open during rain storms? I am assuming that the worse that can happen is that i might get some rain that drips on the inside wallpaper? and am I chancing any major water damage in one weeks time if the two windows are indeed open?(camper is aluminum frame)..... no one that i know is in the campground during the week who can check for me, but i hate to waste a 4 hour round trip after a long days work just to find out its indeed closed... what would you do????

    I would call the Camp Host or owner, explain the situation and ask them to check your windows. Is there a hidden key on the outside of the trailer the Camp host could find and use??