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Randis_Adventur's avatar
Mar 16, 2019

Winter Camping in our Little Guy Max Trailer

We just went winter camping in our Little Guy Max. We do not want the cold & snow to stop us from getting outdoors and camping! Have others been out camping in the winter?
  • Randis Adventures wrote:
    We just went winter camping in our Little Guy Max. We do not want the cold & snow to stop us from getting outdoors and camping! Have others been out camping in the winter?

    Where I am from this was not a good winter for camping. If it's below 20 degrees at night I am not into it. The weather is warm enough now but, all the local camping spots are still snowed in from all the snow we got in February. I am hoping that it won't be too many more weeks yet.
  • Yes We had a snowshoe weekend at the State Park a while back. Great fun.

    However the wife and I come from a reenactment back ground so we have shoveled snow to set a tent a time or two. Wood fires and candle lanterns etc.

    Now that age has entered the picture we just take our 25 ft. TT and dry camp in the winter. Most of the State Parks are closed in Indiana but a few keep a washhouse and few electric sites open.

    I prefer electric sites, simply because we do not have to burn the propane furnace. An electric heater works just fine. The bottom line is, if you like to play in the snow for a few days an RV is really handy. They are a convenient bedroom and warming shack.
  • I like to camp in the Winter.
    I put on extra clothes and grill outside.
    Breakfast on the Blackstone and Black Coffee go well on cold and Snow days.
    By mid afternoon I fire up a single burner I made and put on a pot of Chili, Soup, or Stew. I smell up a campground.

    On cold, snow days I build a fire in a fire pit, and keep it burning all day.

    If it sounds like we spend the majority of our time outdoors, WE DO.
    Life is what we make it.
  • When we camp in the winter, it’s in Florida. I really don’t like cold weather camping.
  • I camp all year long, been in -15 weather at Northern Vermont, spent 2 weeks last year in January at Edmonton Canada, on my way to the southern tip of Baja Mexico for 2 weeks then heading north to Yellow knife Canada
  • I camp all year. Trailer, truck Camper, and tent. If I can get into an area, it's a good campsite. Only thing that stops me is when they close roads. Of course, I don't try to drive during big snow storm. But if snow or temps were gonna stop me, I wouldn't live in the Sierra's. Some of the best mountain trout fishing is during the winter.
  • We do a lot of snow camping, but it is "out West" style -- almost never below ten degrees, and almost never more than six inches of snow. So it's pretty tame, compared to Minnesota.
  • We camp locally until Thanksgiving and we start back in March. We have camped in 90 degree weather and we have camped in snow. We LOVE it and we adjust our outdoor time, according to the weather.

    We have a large outdoor tent with sides and a propane heater. We play board games, cards, laugh, talk and just basically have a great time with friends.

    The most fun we have ever had was when we had about 6-7" of snow one night when weather man was calling for rain. The next morning, we had planned breakfast at our place for the 4 families that were camping along with us. The bacon smelled the entire campground, the eggs were fluffy, biscuits were plump and our tent was warm, the laughter was contageous and a good time was had by all. My daughters ask to camp in the snow all the time now.