I 'lift' them off the glass often (whenever fueling up, checking oil, etc) and lay them down square to the glass so as to not have them bend
Bending long term & baked by the sun/heat sets them ant an angle and will shudder going against the grain so to speak
Try most new ones and always go back to refill type where you pull out the rubber squeeze & SS stiffening rods. Buy 'cut to fit' refills and replace often.
HATE shuddering wiper blades.
Some of the newer vehicles has a 'park'm straight' function. When the wiper system is turned off...they stop and backup a tiny bit to park them straight to the glass
Best washer fluid is 303 tablets to mix my own (and on trips, dry tablets and use fueling station water) and use an old laundry jug with a spigot. Make about 2.5 gallons and the no-spill jug-spigot works on all of my vehicles
Laid down on fender to not have to hold several pounds trying to aim it centered to the washer jug fill tube

Gotta loosen the other end to allow makup air to allow good flow