SoonDockin wrote:
When do you expect to get your special order? I would like to have one in June and may have to settle for what the dealers have.
If you want the 850 by June you will definitely need to settle with what the dealers have or score a used one. They schedule to build only 1 model each week. The 850's are due for the first week in May (I ordered it in January!)and the schedule has been soldout/full out for some time. They probably won't run the 850's again until jul/aug/sept. it depends on how many of the other models they get orders for. Apparantly Northwood is doing great as all models are selling very well right now. You might want to check when the next run for the 840's are. I think youn may be able order one and get it in June, but would need to get on the schedule asap as they will fill up fast. The WC campers are HOT campers right now. I am very curious to see what other manufactures have up their sleeves to keep up with the competition. I called Eagle cap/adventurer back in January to see if eagle cap thinking about building a non-slide camper and they said YES!
The guy who bought mine at auction has it for sale on ebay, and it looks brand new again!
Wolf Creek 850 looking brand new again