Exlporer wrote:
SoonDockin wrote:
That sofa does look nice. How much storage is there underneath?
Back to the countertop issue. If you look at the floor plans, it appears to me that the 840 has a larger counter. There seems to be more space behind the sink and between the cooktop and sink. Also the overhead cabinets appear to be a bit longer and deeper, the 840 puts up a good fight in both categories. It's just missing the pantry option the 850 has.
There is zero storage under the roll-over-sofa as it is on the part of the camper that hangs over the truck bed rails. In the 850 you loose the "stubby-cubby" near the door and the smaller cabinet at the forward end of the dinette. The 840 dinette appears to have a little more storage space based on the sketches.
I went with the traditional dinette because of the storage underneath and there seems to be a little more seating. It is a pain making the bed every night for my 9 year because I don't want things getting thrashed so you have to be somewhat careful. You have to put the table somewhere so why not as a platform for the bed? I believe the 840 has the exact same dinette as the 850, but it is just flipped, so the "stubby cubby" is toward the fridge.
Here is us all sitting at the dinette. It is nice we all can get in there, and face one another. It seems cramped but in comparison all other non slide brands this is a lot of real estate.