that's interesting, where is the height difference? is the basement lower or less headroom inside?
I'll have to get a measurement next time I have the camper on, I've been meaning to anyways so I know. I can't imagine it's any higher than my 5th was and I never had a problem but good idea to know your height.
I guess I'm not a very observant buyer, didn't even notice the missing passthrough window, it's no use to me anyways thankfully.
I would have liked to take a look at a Wolf Creek, but a couple things I wasn't crazy about were the single sink, smaller fridge, and single propane tank (maybe that's just the brochure though?). I also swore I'd never have another table with the removeable legs, we have to set it up every night so it can be a pain... but I do miss my U shaped dinette that was in my older 810.
Seems like there's always tradeoffs.
edit: I just read the brochure and it does seem that dual propane tanks are an option.