First look at the control board there is probably a red led that flashes a code , there should be a legend for the code posted nearby
Could be many things , limit switch , sail switch , bad board , dirty or bad igniter , bad or clogged gas valve
The air that the heater uses to burn is drawn from outside next to the exhaust , not from inside
When the heater shuts down, the fans , one for the combustion chamber an one for outside the chamber that blows the heat inside the camper both continue to run since they are on the same shaft on the motor , it does this as a fail safe incase there is gas still in the combustion chamber, so you get cold air at the registers inside and at the exhaust outside
Most heaters try to light three times and if no heat is sensed by the limit switch the board shuts the gas valve off
If the sail switch is stuck , it tells the board that there is air movement in the chamber , the board also tells the valve to shut
If the gas valve I clogged , malfunctioning or not getting the right amount of gas it can cause this
If the board is faulty it can cause this also
Good luck , try to stay warm