Presently I have a 30' '07 Arctic Fox 29-5T which I bought when married. No longer married and just turned 75 and that 5'ver no matter how much I like her is just to much for me. I recently took her out and towing it was not comfortable like it used to be. I don't want to give up RVing and I have been at odds in myself what to do. I'm considering getting a Wolf Creek 850 camper which would be nice. A number of people have suggested I get a small TT and I did see one Nash I kind of liked a 17K small and easy to handle.
My question is I have never pulled a TT and I am tired of pulling a large 5'ver is pulling a 22' TT much easier? That Nash 17K is bigger than a camper but would be easier to live in while "out and about". I am getting to the point of exasperation, one second I want to do this and then do that!! I just don't want to pull that big heavy 5'ver any more. Just to much work! I really never have mastered the art of pulling that 5'ver and wonder if a small TT would be easier. Any suggestions or opinions would be greatly appreciated.
If your major issue is maneuverability and drivability get the truck camper. It only takes one parking spot, albeit a large one. A 17 foot travel trailer tows no better than a 30 foot one. It backs up more difficult than a 30 foot trailer as the longer the trailer the easier to back up. As far as refueling at diesel stations or even gas stations most have pumps out in the back or side so refueling is typically not an issue bigger than you encountered with your fifth wheel. The truck camper is smaller inside but drivabilty is far easier than any fifth wheel or travel trailer. What you will experiecne with a travel trailer is the same things you experienced with a fifth wheel only on a different scale. Some travel trailers even tow worse than a fifth wheel. You are essentially trading one set of issues for another. Since five feet of your fifth wheel is over the pickup bed and all of a travel trailer is behind the truck, the overall length of the truck and trailer might not be all that much shorter than what you have now.