campermama wrote:
Old-Biscuit wrote:
Batteries reading 13.1V with only solar is good.
Now check what voltage does when you turn on water pump, furnace, bunch of lights anything DC to place a load on batteries and see how much/how quick voltage drops.
If I turn on a light and the water pump it drops quickly to like 10 something Volts :(
That's not sounding good. Time for new batteries
Need to check that converter DC output next time hooked up to shore power.
The truck charge line via trailer connection is limited......more for maintaining vs recharging. IF batteries drop it would take 4-5 hrs. towing time to bring them back up.
And depending on how much solar you have several hours also needed.
Really need to maintain the new batteries via shore power/converter as it doesn't sound like you have a large enough solar to keep up with use.