Trailer is 34' dual axle, so 4 tires. Trailer came from the factory fitted with ST225/75-15 tires, load range "D". I upgraded to these LT tires 3 years ago for increased load capacity and wider safety margin.
Last time the trailer was weighed, it was 8500 lbs total, 1200 lbs on the tongue and 7300 on the axles. 7300/4=1825 lbs load on each tire, assuming all tires are loaded equally.
The two tires on the right side of the trailer were in considerably worse shape than the 2 on the left side. Two possible reasons, 1) with the slideout extended, the 2 left tires are in the shade while the right ones sit in the sun, and 2) the left tires sit on bricks and the right ones sit in the mud where I have the trailer parked.
The right side is also where the kitchen is, so full refrigerator and pantry, along with storage for bottled water and beer. The fresh water tank is centered in the frame and ahead of the axles.
Even if the trailer was considerable heavier than the last scale slip, and even if it was loaded unequally left-to-right, there should still be adequate capacity so that these tires are not overloaded.
I typically drive 65-70 mph with the trailer so also below the speed rating of the tires as well.
Any observations or advise to increase the longevity of the new tires would be appreciated.