Forum Discussion

mikenem's avatar
May 09, 2013

X-chocks with spread axle

New to the travel trailer forum from the hybrid forum...Just bought a 2013 Keystone Summerland with a spread axle design. Haven't taken delivery of it yet and was wondering if my x-chocks will fit, or what others with spread axle trailers use?
  • I bought a new Summerland 2670 in January and bought a set of the extended x- chocks. They fit well and work good. I would put standard chocks also if I were on a steep hill though just to be safe.
  • My solutions:

    I'll probably go to 2 rods for this one:

    Recycled scissors jack:
  • I use Rotochoks for my spread axle TT. Work great and would recommend.
  • As long as you don't need to fully retract them I'd just cut the rod off. Leave enough to make sure you can loosen them enough to get out
  • I bought an "x-tended" x-chock for my new Keystone Premier which also has the wide stance axles. It fit and worked great, although as others have noted, it's good for stabilization and is convenient when used with levelers, but not a replacement for standard chocks, especially when hitching/unhitching.

    I found that I needed to use the x-chock "upside down", since the threaded rod comes out really far when the pads are extended all the way, and also it takes a long time to crank it out to the distance you need. So I'd like to figure out how to store it in a mostly extended position, yet still have room for the long rod - it won't fit in a standard sized bin if I try to store it that way.
  • All you need is the standard chocks. I got rid of my x-chocks after they allowed the trailer to roll forward as it came off of the tongue block.