Forum Discussion

Ryan_Djedi_'s avatar
Sep 24, 2013

Young Jedi needs help, you may be my only hope...

Hi everybody, thank you so much for your time. I'm looking at buying a 2004 prowler extreme TT. The price seems right at 8500, but I noticed some soft wood on top of the slide.

Is that a deal breaker? It was definitely crackling, but didn't seem rotted through.

Everything else seemed Ok, but then again I know almost nothing. I walked on the roof, and stomped around the tub and such, didn;t see any signs of damage.

Also, is that actually a good price? I like the idea of the extra insulation, as i will be hermiting out in a field for the winter.

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it.

  • Soft wood is Not a good thing. The dark side of mold may be near. Jump in to your X wing fighter and fly back to the mother ship and seek a more reliable base camp (er) . May the force of on-line shopping be with you grasshopper. Oh wait, that's another story.
  • thank you all very much. So is hearing that wood crackle as i press on the roof of the slide indicative of water damage?

    just making sure.

    i also appreciate everybody going with the theme. :B
  • I've repaired rot in an RV, more then once. I will NEVER buy a rig that I knew had rot, ever.

    Repairing wood rot leads to anger, anger leads to the dark-side. Avoid repairing wood rot
  • Anything with even a hint of water damage/intrusion = Death Star.
    Light speed away.
  • Thank you Obi Wan Fulltimer.

    Any advice on what i should look for in that 8k range? I def want a slide and preferably the rear lounge style, as I will be hosting people often.

    Thank you.
  • Thank you for your response. Nada says 10-12k. It is a regal extreme, which I believe to be an upgrade.
  • young jedi listen to yoda get in your cruiser and fly away fast at warp speed gget better for the price.
    Do not just settle
  • You might check for comparison pricing. I'm not familiar with the TT you're looking at but $8500 for a 2004 Prowler sounds on the high end to me, especially if there's any water damage.