Forum Discussion

Davem_'s avatar
Nov 08, 2022

2018 Wolf Creek 850 wiring diagram

Hello All,
I'm wiring up an inverter and there are 4 different wires that are terminated directly on the positive terminal of the battery and some do not go through the kill switch under the sink. One is blue, the others are red. Some I've been able to trace, others are hidden in large wiring bundles. Does anyone have a wiring diagram for the 850? I've sent a request to Northwoood but so far no response. Can't find any diagrams online for the unit.

Any help is appreciated!
  • Yeah, don't email or use the contact form. Call. Works every time,
  • Call Northwood and ask for the service dept.
    Speak to Justin or Travis. Both of those guys are knowledgable on systems.

    I have gotten electrical and plumbing schematics from those guys for my 2019 AF990. Usually takes more than one phone call or e-mail but they have always come through for me.
    Good luck.
  • I've identified all the wires (1 was from the solar charge controller and the other is for external panels if you have them) but one last thing that is a mystery.... The largest red power cable from the battery does not appear to come up under the sink and I cannot find where it terminates. I can see it go from the battery box under the floor towards the front but then it's lost. The same for the largest negative cable. Not sure what other compartments I can open up to find it!
  • Possible things
    House 12v breaker panel
    Generator Start
    battery charge from 110v charger