Forum Discussion

RayZen's avatar
Nov 25, 2019

Wiring Diagram

The refrigerator isn't coming on, when plugged into 110VAC. I have checked for 12VDC right at the input terminals of the fridge, but there is nothing there, so it's obviously a voltage supply problem to the fridge, not a problem with the fridge, itself.

Next, I went to the converter and found that it is putting out the 12VDC like it's supposed to. So far, so good.

Finally, I went to the fuse panel on the outside of the RV, but there is no fuse labeled "Reefer" or "Refrigerator." (All of the labelled fuses in the panel were fine, anyway)

So now I'm at loss as to how to trace the wiring from the converter to the fridge, itself, since I don't have a wiring diagram for the RV. The owner's manual doesn't include such a wiring diagram.

Does such a wiring diagram exist, somewhere? If anyone has one and would be so kind as to snap a picture of it, I would be forever grateful. Or if anyone could guide me to where I might be able to purchase one, that would be likewise appreciated.

Thank you.
  • enblethen wrote:
    GFCI receptacle will not have effect on the 12 volt DC system. Converters should not be routed through a GFCI circuit.

    ok,tnx., i see now there is no 12v power to fire up the board, not allowing the 110v to fire up.
  • GFCI receptacle will not have effect on the 12 volt DC system. Converters should not be routed through a GFCI circuit.
  • More info would help, but if it’s a 3 way model it may be wired directly to the battery (through a fuse, of course).
  • Winnebago and Itasca have wiring diagrams online you can download. Same for plumbing. Invaluable resources... but not all manufacturers seem to care about service after the sale.
  • Very few RV's are built to schematics. Just like a house, they are wired as needed.
  • What fuse panel are you talking about--is it for the house loads, or is it the chassis fuse panel under the hood for things like the windshield wipers and marker lights?

    I concur with your guess of a blown fuse or, failing that, a broken/bad connection in the 12V wiring. The 12V fuse panel for the house 12V loads is usually somewhere accessible from inside the motorhome, often ajacent to or a part of the 120V breaker panel. Whether the fuses are labeled adequately so you can easily figure out which controls the fridge is anybody's guess, but one of them would.

    It probably would be worthwhile to do a quick check to see that the 12V ground connection for the fridge power is A-OK as well.
  • It's a tripped GFI outlet. Check in the bathroom.

    If you own a Winnebago they will send you a complete set of schematics along with plumbing diagrams for free. At least they did for me back in 2000.
  • Did you check the voltage at the converter with the batteries disconnected? If not you were measuring the battery voltage.

    you are not gonna get a wiring diagrams unless you have a very high dollar RV.

    Is there 120 volts to the fridge? Fridge 12 volt control circuit is shared by the furnace and the water heater.
  • Make and model of rig would help.
    Make and model of the converter?
    Fuses from converter are not normally outside. Many are behind metal plate adjacent to the 120 volt circuit breakers.