rtk2 wrote:
Solar is not complicated. Get a 12 volt solar panel (80 watts will suffice), get a cheap PWT charge controller (10 amps will work) and fuses if you wish. Mount the charge controller close to the battery (connect with 12 awg wire is fine). Mount the solar panel on the roof using Z brackets, then run the same 12 gauge wire and connect to the charge controller. That's it.
except don't get a cheep PWT (PWM actualy) controler, get a good MPPT one(more efficient and not much more money, and measure for the biggest panel you can aford. I got my 325 watt split cell 24V panel out of sask but I picked it up at one of there wearhouses out here for 200 3 years ago. other than that ya its easy. I cut out a carboard chunk the size of my panel and played around on the roof till I found where to put it. have room for another later.