Forum Discussion

Cadillac1959's avatar
Apr 19, 2021

Four Winds Truck Camper

Hello, I am new here and also new to slide in truck campers. I just bought a 1992 Four Winds slide in truck camper in almost like new condition from an elderly couple who always stored it in a barn. Unfortunately I cannot find any info online in regards to specs etc. Seems to be very rare. All I can find is an older/expired listing which seems to be the same. It's listed as a 1992 Four Winds Model 9
Does anyone have info for this unit or maybe even an O&M manual? Any help is appreciated.
  • Hello! Did you ever get the specs on this? My son just bought one and we are having the same problem. We are especially interested in the weight if you have it? 

    • Grit_dog's avatar

      There’s about zero chance that there’s an owners manual out there. And the same chance that this original conversation is still ongoing. 
      Weight? You can find that out just by scaling the truck and then the combo. But from that one pic, tin sided, 90s, 9’ no slide camper it will be in the low/mid 2000s dry base weight and around 3k, low 3s loaded full ready to camp. 

  • joerg68: thanks but I'm just trying to find info on this FW in particular. FW is a huge company, now owned by Thor but I'm very surprised that there is pretty much no info available (funny, I am originally from Germany too)

    Lwiddis: I've checked everything incl. the roof. It's a one piece aluminum roof in perfect condition and owner took really good care of it

    bigfootgrey: thanks but it doesn't show a pic :-(
  • Check that roof carefully. Could still need maintenance despite barn storage.
  • Any manual (if it exists at all) is likely very generic.
    This link takes you to a 1993 Lance manual for a general idea:
    The "interesting" information is usually in the individual manuals for the different appliances (water heater, furnace, refrigerator) provided by the manufacturer. Most of these are available online if you search with the ID of the appliance in question. A good starting point might also be the collection at
    If you have specific questions about any of the camper systems, you can always ask here.
    Have fun with your new-old camper. Spend some time checking all the seams and re-caulking them!
  • Saw one "Four Winds" listed as a Thor Four Winds. Maybe Thor is the actual builder or parent company. If they're still in business, maybe you can get in touch and they can help.
    Good luck.